Monday, September 28, 2009

It's funny...

It's funny, that on packages of cigarettes, the tobacco companies are stating that they're using recycled paper and designing there packages & cartons to use less paper to help save the environment. Their contribution to help the world go green. Yet, our product will still kill you, if not give you a wide variety of diseases. Smoke up.

It's funny, that a police officer (if so inclined) will cross the street, to give you a j-walking ticket.

It's funny, that as Canadians, we use the metric system for everything else, but your height.

It's funny. yet sad, that when I was a kid, there was no such thing as bottled water. Except for Perrier, which I just thought was a pretentious fad. Tap water was as good as anything.

It's funny, that someone thought Lawn Darts was a good idea.

It's funny, that there are studies stating that alcohol will help save your life.

It's funny, that there are still people out there that believe starting a war helps keep the peace, and saves lives.

It's funny, that anyone actually gives a shit on what celebrities do.

It's funny, that people believe that planting a tree, which takes years to grow to it's 'potential', to replace a tree that takes seconds to cut down, evens out world wide de-forestation.

It's funny, yet unjust, that somebody out there somewhere, watches what you do every day.

It's funny, that the big companies & utilities manipulate you into giving them your hard earned money for bad service, and nobody does anything about it 

It's funny, that Cheez Whiz is one polymer away from being plastic.

It's funny, that it will cost you more to eat healthier, than it would to stuff your face full of garbage.

More to come, eventually...
carry on ...