From what I understand, this apartment is about 100 years old. I also get the feeling that some of the past occupants haven't quite left entirely, yet. Any left over 'spirit residue' in any place, tends to want to mess with me when I'm asleep. The slight tug on the comforter, sometimes slow. The touching of my feet, or the pushing down of my pillow around my head. Or a sudden scent of something. Or even the half asleep visions. I've got loads of 'em. I also get the feeling that most of 'them' seem to be afraid of, or should I say 'apprehensive' of me, for some reason. Don't know why. I don't know, and really, I don't care. It's something I'm not overly interested in. Sure it's fun to be curious about it from time to time, but most, if not all of the 'Haunting' shows with the 'Ghost hunters' goin' in to 'connect' with a spirit, is just crap. Most 'evidence' can be explained, most, but not all. However, you see what you want to see. There is no such thing as psychics, or a spirit mediums. They've just convinced themselves that that's the 'power' they have. Sure they have a 'power', but that's not it. It's something we all have to a point, something primal. Or more, maybe. OR, they're just crazy, OR better yet, and this is what I tend to lean to in my opinion on the matter, they're all con artists. People LOVE to believe in this stuff. But like I've said, I don't really give a shit.
Anyway, I've got to find my shoes, I'm heading to 'the Green' to meet up with an old pal.
(to be cont.)